FAB: Design and Feasibility of a FAceBook fitness group for prostate cancer survivors.

2018 - 2019

My role: Graduate Research Assistant

Supervised by:

  • Andrea Hartzler, Ph.D.

Project’s description

Research study focused on improving physical activity of prostate cancer survivors

my responsibilities

  • Developed research instruments for effective data collection during interviews and streamlined data analysis processes.
  • Organized and provided necessary project materials to facilitate participant engagement.
  • Collaboratively developed a data collection pipeline to ensure systematic and efficient data retrieval.
  • Contributed to the planning and implementation of comprehensive orientation sessions for project participants before the commencement of the study.
  • Generated visually engaging and informative step count visualizations for prostate cancer survivors, enabling them to track and visualize their progress over consecutive weeks.
  • Conducted insightful exit interviews with prostate cancer survivors and gathered valuable feedback and insights aimed at enhancing the overall process.


  • L. Snyder, A. Alandkumar Saraf, R. Casanova-Perez, et al., "Visualization Co-Design with Prostate Cancer Survivors who have Limited Graph Literacy," 2020 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC), MD, USA, 2020, pp. 17-23, doi: 10.1109/VAHC53729.2020.00009.
  • Sangameswaran S, Segal C, Rosenberg DE, Casanova-Perez R, Cronkite D, Gore JL, Hartzler AL. Design of digital walking programs that engage prostate cancer survivors: Needs and preferences from focus groups. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2022 Feb 21;2021:1069-1078. PMID: 35309011; PMCID: PMC8861760.
  • Casanova-Perez, R., Patel, H., Sangameswaran, S., Cronkite, D.J., Segal, C., Rosenberg, D.E., Gore, J.L., Wright, J. and Hartzler, A.L., 2019. Addressing physical activity barriers among prostate cancer survivors through a peer-based digital walking program. In AMIA.